News and Events
Do you have the skills to lead your team to triumph?
Organisations need teams and teams need leadership. Yet few of us are adequately equipped to lead teams at work well. This article reviews why teams are vital to organisational success and the skills required to lead them.
Discover‘The Triumphant Team’ is published
After much anticipation, the go-to handbook every team leader will want in their hand and every Team Coach will want to have in their bag is now available.
DiscoverExperience teamSalient®
Introducing the teamSalient® demo report. Try out our award-winning team diagnostic assessment tool today.
DiscoverNew pulse reporting
We’ve improved our team diagnostic assessment tool by adding a second survey to reporting and launching a new Pulse version to use with teams.
DiscoverNew global pricing model
We recently introduced a new pricing model for teamSalient® to help support practitioners operating in local markets across the globe.
DiscoverAn insight into business coaching in Russia
Moscow based teamGenie® coach, Alexei, reflects on Russian business coaching and its cultural landscape, trends, and development.
DiscoverThe team coaching casebook
An industry first publication!
This book illustrates the eclectic and emergent nature of interventions that enable teams to achieve lasting positive changes in capability.
Award-winning publication review teamSalient®
teamSalient® makes industry news!
We are delighted to feature in the award-winning publication ‘Coaching at Work’.
The journey to team coaching mastery with Dr. Woods
Get an insight into this newly released guide to unleashing the power, purpose and potential in any team.