We’ve updated teamSalient® 

Introducing a second survey and a new pulse report

teamSalient® reporting now includes a second survey to help track team progress. Pulse reports have also been introduced for use after the full report to monitor longer team coaching programmes.


Effective teams drive performance

When teams perform, so do organisations.

Second survey to track team progress

We’ve added a second survey to teamSalient® reporting to improve the client experience. Practitioners will use this second team survey typically 3 to 6 months after the first one. This not only allows teams to see how much they’ve progressed but also provides much better value for money, as it is included in the full report cost.

New pulse reporting to measure team progress over time

We’ve also launched a ‘Pulse’ version of teamSalient® for use with teams engaged on a longer team development programme. This allows practitioners to add any number of further surveys and compare a team’s scores and progress over time. Teams may want to do that every 3-4 months after using the initial two teamSalient® surveys.

The Pulse version is available to use with a team after using the full report version and within 18 months of the first survey.

The science behind effective teams

teamSalient® is designed to measure how effective a team is at any stage of development. Our award-winning team diagnostic assessment tool guides teams on the most important actions to take to improve team performance. The most comprehensive team assessment tool on the market, teamSalient® is unique in how it measures the whole team in context: its structure, processes, group dynamics, team member relationships and how this compares with other teams.

The full report version provides two surveys to be used with the team: an initial survey, and a subsequent survey to be used within 12 months of the start date of the first survey. The Pulse version is used after  the full version and within 18 months of the start date of the first survey. It is purchased after the full report.

Accredited practitioners can log into the portal for further details.

Practitioner log-in

Get in touch if you are interested in accreditation or using teamSalient® with your teams.

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